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Turning Data Into Information Using ArcGIS

Learning Objective & Reflection

To take spatial data and be able to visualize, query, measure, transform, overlay, interpolate, and determine its uncertainty by completing the ESRI tutorial, "Turning Data Into Information Using ArcGIS 10". The exercise modules show how to take our reliance on major branches of science and mathematics, such as cognitive science and statistics, to produce meaningful information from data. Geographic information systems are used to make this happen.


The tutorial is comprised of the following six modules:


Module 1: Basics of Data and Information

Module 2: Cartography, Map Production, and Geovisualization

Module 3: Query and Measurement

Module 4: Transformations and Descriptive Summaries

Module 5: Optimization and Hypothesis Testing

Module 6: Uncertainty (in numeric values and spatial data)