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Database Cardinality Issues in GIS

Learning Objectives

  1. To understand table joins
  2. To determine and map the number of jobs created in each North Carolina House and North Carolina Senate District


Given the results of an industrial extension jobs survey, it is requested to report to each North Carolina state senator and house member, the number of jobs created within their district.  The survey database contains the number of jobs created for each record of input, whether the record represents each new company, new quarter, new job, or other occurrence which needs to be included within the database. 


Analysis Procedures

To determine jobs created within districts, 2002 NC Senate and NC House polygon data was joined with the survey database (Excel file).  This data, along with ArcMap software was used to produce maps showing not only district results, but also a comparison between neighboring districts.  Because tabular data from the database cannot be joined directly to polygon data, the number of jobs was first joined to zip code point data collected through the NCSU spatial libraries.  North Carolina Senate and House Districts along with zip codes shapefiles were downloaded from the NCSU spatial libraries website (keyword search: "Voting") and added to an ArcMap document in that order.  District data was provided in the NC State Plane, NAD83 coordinate system with units of meters.  The zip codes shapefile included all US codes, and was provided in the World Geodetic System of 1984, WGS84 geographic coordinate system with map units in decimal degrees.  Statewide zip codes were selected by attributes called “STATE” and exported to a usable shapefile with the coordinate system of the data frame. 

To join attribute data tables, a common field in a common format must be available.  Both tables share zip code values.  This operation employs a many-to-one relationship because we are associating multiple employment data (or jobs) to a single zip code.  It allows us to determine the number of jobs created per zip code. In order to perform an attribute join, the field common to both tables was checked and verified to have text properties.  The jobs survey database was then summarized according to the zip code (string) field.  The resulting summary table showed the sum of jobs created for each unique zip code in N. Carolina.  This table was finally joined to the NC zip codes table exported earlier to enable geoprocessing.  In order to determine the number of jobs created per Senate and House district, a spatial join of the NC zip codes to districts shapefiles was necessary.  In summary, the methods used here take the total of all jobs created per zip code and, after establishing a spatial relationship, further sums them according to district. By determining the number of zip codes per district, we in turn, know the total number of jobs created per district.  The results were verified, symbolized and labeled for presentation.  Each job total created per district was labeled, and all districts were color coded in gradation according to job totals.  The flowchart below illustrates the methods used.



The maps below show the number of jobs created in the state of North Carolina by Senate Districts and House Districts, respectively.

Click images to enlarge.


Application and Reflection

Joining tables is necessary in a GIS in order to associate data for geoprocessing or queries or symbolizing patterns.  For example, in conducting a stream inventory for classification purposes, a many-to-one relationship exists when a table of inventoried streams is joined to another table containing stream types.  Each stream can only be classified as one type, and can be uniquely symbolized on a map.  Joining building addresses to parcels, or school locations to census tracts, are examples of a spatial join that are useful for zoning and planning. 


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