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Welcome to the GIS 520 - Advanced Geospatial Analytics Portfolio Homepage


This is a graduate level course offered through North Carolina State University. Its focus is on applied geospatial technology using analytics. Students enhance geoprocessing skills and understanding of the analysis capabilities of geospatial technology, learn to integrate and analyze spatial data in various formats, and explore methods for displaying geographic data analysis results in decision support and modeling systems. This was accomplished through weekly assignments provided to both in-person and distance education students using ArcGIS for Desktop 10 software. The following learning objectives were provided for this course:


  1. Describe the analysis capabilities of different geospatial technologies
  2. Select and perform appropriate advanced geoprocessing functions for specific objectives outlined below
  3. Integrate and analyze data in various formats
  4. Identify data limitations for particular analytical applications
  5. Apply appropriate analysis techniques for multiple types of decision-making objectives
  6. Search for, retrieve, evaluate the suitability of, and integrate datasets for specific types of analysis applications
  7. Design pre-programmed customizations for the user interface


This website serves as part of a graduate portfolio for, and designed by, the student for the Spring 2012 semester.




Learning Objectives

Turning Data Into Information Using ArcGIS (an ESRI Tutorial)
  • To take spatial data and be able to visualize, query, measure, transform, overlay, interpolate, and determine its uncertainty by completing the ESRI tutorial, "Turning Data Into Information Using ArcGIS 10".
Web Maps & GIS Services
Web Maps
  • Understand the concept of integrating data layers from Web maps and GIS Services in map products
  • Learn several methods to retrieve data from sources such as the Geography Network, other ArcIMS servers, or geographic data clearinghouses for use in ArcMap
  • Describe types of services and how each are created
  • Be knowledgeable of tools available to create layer and map packages in order to share data and maps
Geocoding Tabular Data
  • Identify methods in ArcMap to geocode tabular data by zip code and street names
  • Apply interactive techniques to locate addresses
  • Formulate and perform a batch geocoding procedure
AutoCAD Integration AutoCAD Georeferencing
  • Understand basic data structure of CAD created data compared to ESRI format feature layers
  • Georeference a CAD dataset in ArcMap
  • Perform data conversion from CAD format into a geodatabase
Data Cardinality Data Cardinality
  • Understand table joins
  • Determine and map the number of jobs created in each North Carolina House and North Carolina Senate District
Working with US Census Data Census Data
  • Develop the ability to independently locate, filter, link, and map U.S. Census Bureau Data from American Fact Finder and TIGER/Line® shapefiles
Linear Referencing Linear Referencing
  • Demonstrate an elementary understanding of linear referencing
The Basics of Working with Raster Data (ESRI tutorials)
  • Understand the basics of raster data by completing the ESRI tutorial, "Basics of Raster Data (for ArcGIS 10)"
  • Learn to use raster data forsite suitability analyses by completing the ESRI tutorial, "Using Raster Data for Site Selection (for ArcGIS 10)"
Suitability Analysis & Weighted Overlay (using Model Builder) Site Selection
  • Demonstrate an elementary understanding of Spatial Analysis including Suitability Analysis, the Weighted Overlay Function, and Model Builder
Image Classification Image Classification
  • Demonstrate an elementary understanding of image classification
Spatial Statistics Spatial Statistics
  • Demonstrate an elementary understanding of statistical spatial data analyses
Customizing the ArcMap Interface
  • Extend the ArcMap interface by creating custom toolbars and menus to access built-in functionality
  • Locate, install and use add-ins available through ESRI online Resource Center
  • Explore and suggest customization techniques for your research or work applications

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